Product Overview
Product Overview
This chapter presents a general overview of the Q7-BASE carrier. After reviewing this chapter
you should understand the following features of the Q7-BASE carrier board.
Carrier Description
I/O Features
Functional Block Diagram
Carrier Specifications
Carrier Description
The ADLINK Q7-BASE is the host carrier board for ADLINK’s Qseven modules and serves as
design reference for systems based on the Qseven form factor. The Qseven module plugs
directly into the Q7-BASE, where the carrier board becomes a design platform for testing and
developing your applications. Figure 1-1 provides an overview photo of the Q7-BASE interface
hardware. The proceeding sections and chapters in this manual present these features in fur-
ther detail.
Figure 1-1: Q7-BASE IO Overview
The ADLINK Q7-BASE supports the features of Qseven Hardware Specification Version 2.1.
The following section presents a list of features of the Q7-BASE.