1.5.2 Pre-operation Setting
Since the standard inverter models are provided with the values indicated in Par. 2.8 (see page 58 and
beyond), the digital operator (JNEP--13) must be used in order to change the constants from the initial
values to the values in accordance with the load specifications.
The following describes the functions and initial constant set values which ere often used for operation.
The maximum output frequency is set to 60
Hz and accel/decel time to 10 seconds at
the factory prior to shipping .To change the
values, refer to “ACCEL/DECEL TIME
SETTING” on page 71.
Fig. 1.7 Output Frequency and
Accel/Decel Time
Fig 1.8 shows the inverter output frequency
for control circuit terminal master
frequency reference voltage.
To change the value, refer to
GAIN/BIAS” on page 78.
Fig. 1.8 Frequency Setting Signal and
Output Frequency
Accel. Time decel.Time
10 sec 10 sec
0.25 10v
Frequency setting voltage (v)
Output frequency and
accel / decel time
Frequency setting signal
and output frequency
60 Hz