Section 4
Setting up a project
PCM600 operates on projects
SEMOD58401-5 v2
A typical project in PCM600 contains a plant structure including one or several IED objects,
where each IED object contains the engineering data created or modified using the different
PCM600 tools.
Several projects can be created and managed by PCM600, but only one project can be active at
a time.
Installing Connectivity packages
GUID-0863CF81-30F7-468C-957D-61E99CD5010D v4
A Connectivity package contains the complete description of the IED data signals, parameters
and protocol addresses for a certain IED type and version. Several types of IEDs can be
managed in one PCM600 project, thus the corresponding Connectivity package has to be
installed on the PC. Connectivity Packages and Connectivity Package Updates are managed in
the Update Manager.
PCM600 must be installed before the connectivity packages can be installed.
A Connectivity package for a specific IED type and version is divided in two parts. The IED
connectivity package base module is common for all 650 series IEDs. The IED specific module
is separate for each type of IED.
Installing IED Connectivity package
The Connectivity package is available on the CD that was distributed along with the IED.
Close PCM600 before running the IED connectivity package installation.
Install the 650 series Connectivity package base.
Select and install the IED modules as required.
4. Install the documentation.
Setting technical key
GUID-6E273043-7AC6-4262-9522-ED24D8E31E93 v5
Both a physical IED and an IED object in PCM600 have a technical key. The purpose of the
technical key is to prevent download of a configuration to wrong IED. The technical key in the
IED and PCM600 must be the same, otherwise it is not possible to download a configuration.
Each IED in a PCM600 project must have a unique technical key. It is therefor not possible to
set the same technical key for several IEDs in the same PCM600 project.
The technical key property in PCM600 corresponds to the IED name attribute in
SCL files. Avoid changing the IED name attribute outside PCM600, because
data in PCM600 might be lost when importing SCL files.
1MRK 511 284-UEN B
Section 4
Setting up a project
650 series
Engineering manual
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