Interpretation of Results
The test will determine the non-microbial ATP content of the sample. The test is intended to provide a guide to aid in the
interpretation of the 3M Clean-Trace Water-Total ATP test (AQT100). Use of this test will allow the operator to estimate the
microbial component of a Total test result by comparing the relative levels of Total and Free Results.
For cooling or process water, it is useful to establish a baseline of RLU values over time. This baseline can then be used
to identify abnormal readings, seasonal variations, and patterns of contamination that may occur with various treatment
methods. For further information, contact 3M Food Safety Technical Services.
Explanation of symbols
Attention, see instructions for use
The lot in a box and the hourglass symbols represent the lot number and expiry date. The lot in a box is
followed by the lot number: 621/Y1. The hourglass is followed by a day, month and year which represents the
expiry date (day, month and year): 21JUN 2012
Store between given temperatures
Protect from direct sunlight