Do not leave debris in the machine and do not allow debris to bypass the debris-
catching device.
Debris Filtering
Debris is removed periodically, as a maintenance-like action. At least once per month, use the
debris removal tray. This removal process may be repeated more than once each month, if the
user desires. This process involves a tray that has two filters. As the tray is lifted, the fluid goes
through the filter and the debris are removed.
Gel must be kept apart from its neighboring gel, which requires continuous resin movement in the
RDM. When installed in the RDM, the resin should circulate when not building. When offline the
material does not circulate, nor does it need to. Circulation while online allows the resin to take up
oxygen from the RDM surface, improving resin life by keeping the RDM temperature uniform.
70696 Revision 1C 27-Aug-08