Resin Delivery Module Temperature Control
Auto Resin Refill System
Resin Container Removal
The Viper Pro SLA system offers offline and online heating. When the power cord from the
machine is connected, the system has online heating; when the power from a wall outlet is
connected, the system has offline heating. The RDM can be heated either outside the Viper Pro
SLA system’s enclosure, via the stand-by mode, or in the enclosure. Resin can be heated from a
room temperature of 20 0C to 28 0C, or as needed. Typical time for heating is two to three hours,
but cold resin can take considerably longer.
The auto resin refill system is located on the RDM. This system adds resin to the RDM from the
resin container(s) placed within the refill slots (slot 1 and 2). If the resin level is too low, the auto
resin refill system will display the message, “Resin Autofill in Progress,” and will add resin from one
of the containers. The build starts after resin is at the correct build level. If the resin refill containers
are empty, the system will alert the user to replace them with full containers.
When the resin container is empty and needs additional resin, or if a partially full container needs
to be replaced with a full container, perform the following procedure. It is important to verify the
type of resin currently in the RDM before proceeding with these steps. While wearing protective
clothing, disposable nitrile gloves, and goggles, perform the following steps:
1. Open the front machine door that corresponds to the resin’s build zone.
2. Place the vent cap on the vent hole and screw tightly to prevent the resin from spilling.
70696 Revision 1C 27-Aug-08