Technical Support:
Internal Temp. Sensor
: ZAS includes a built-in temperature sensor with an
associated 2-byte communication object ("[Internal Sensor] Current
temperature"), which shows up when the internal sensor function is enabled
under the General parameter window.
Figure 14
. Internal Temperature Sensor.
The following can be parameterised from this screen:
Temperature Sensor Calibration
: this option permits performing a
correction (by setting a calibration value, in tenths of a degree) over the
value received from the sensor in case there is a deviation between this
value and the actual room temperature, for whatever reason.
Temperature Sending Period
this is the period time (in tens of a second)
for cyclically sending to the KNX bus the current temperature measure,
through the "[Internal Sensor] Current Temperature" communication
object. The value 0 indicates that the periodical sending is disabled.
Send with a Temperature Change
: apart from performing a periodical
sending, ZAS can send the bus the value of the current temperature
whenever it turns to be significantly different from the previous
measurement. Therefore, this field defines the increase/decrease (from 0
to 200 tenths of a degree) that, when exceeded, will trigger this extra
sending. Value “0” disables this function.
Temperature Protection
: permits activating the overheat or the overcool
protections, or both. Depending on the selection, one or two
communication objects will be enabled: "[Internal Sensor] Overheating"
and "[Internal Sensor] Overcooling", which will indicate (with the value "1")
if the corresponding limit has been exceeded. It is necessary to define the
overheating or the overcooling limit temperatures (or both), in degrees, as
well as, if desired, a hysteresis value (in tenths of a degree) to prevent the