Technical Support:
scenes (scene number 1-64), or by simply pressing on the ZAS touch
panel, which will also send a welcome message to the bus (1-bit object or
scene, through the objects “[General] Welcome object” or “[General]
Scene: receive”, respectively).
The possibility of sending a 1-bit value through “[General] Welcome
object” on the unlock event (i.e., pressing on the touch panel –for
example, on the central area– while locked) should not be confused
with the possibility of using the central area of the touch panel as a
binary control (i.e., for sending the value “0” or “1” through the object
“[General] Central button”) while unlocked.
If pressing the touch panel has been set as the desired unlock method
and the panel gets touched while the screensaver was active (section
3.3.5), the screen will in fact unlock, but it will not necessarily trigger the
action that corresponds to the button pressed (a second press may be
required, depending on the screensaver configuration). On the contrary,
in the absence of the screensaver, the first press will not only unlock the
screen, but also trigger the action of the button
Lock IR as well?
option to lock the remote control at the same time as
the touch panel ("Yes"), which will make ZAS ignore any commands
received from the remote.
this option, if combined with the pressing on the ZAS touch panel
unlock method, will make the remote remain locked until the actual touch
panel is pressed again
Figure 12
. Locking