Zehnder EASY 5.0
6.5. IP configuration (DHCP)
A DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a network protocol used on Internet Protocol (IP) networks for the
dynamic distribution of network configuration parameters, such as IP addresses, DNS servers and other services.
The controller can be configured to obtain its IP address in two ways:
Either from a DHCP server (dynamic addressing)
Or manually by filling in the information directly from the screen (static address). This information must be identified
IP configuration is required for both protocols:
Modbus TCP
By default, the controller is set up with DHCP active. The address is therefore automatically assigned by the network.
The static setting must be changed manually if the DHCP is not activated.
6.6. Modbus and BACnet exchange tables
The Modbus addresses shown in the tables use the generic Modbus standard. There is no address offset to be expected,
the 1st existing variable is addressed to the value 0 (not 1).
Scaling factor = 10 means that the value read must be divided by 10 to be converted into a real value.
Example: if the value read in the supply temperature variable is 230, this means that the temperature value is 230 / 10 =
It is not possible to acknowledge alarms via the communication. Acknowledgement must be done manually in person
directly on the machine's PG 5.0 touchscreen after the cause of the problem has been identified and resolved.
The setpoints sent by the communication have priority over all the other setpoints (external and internal) except for the
on/off command of the screen which has absolute priority: if the local command is off, the unit cannot start even if the
BMS requests it. Therefore, the control must be on in order for the BMS to work.
Subnet mask
Z-MASTER-V1122-CSY-INM-Zehnder Easy5.0