Zehnder EASY 5.0
16.2. Modbus RTU RS485 communication
Functions supported by the Modbus protocol implemented in the controller:
By default, the slave address of the controller is set to (1) ex factory. The address can be set between 1 and 247. Each
controller on the Modbus network must have a different address from the others.
The data transmission mode is RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) (not ASCII) with a word length of 8 bits.
A maximum of 47 registers can be read in a single message.
The master controller requires a silent interval of 3.5 characters (4ms at 9600 baud) between two messages.
If there are several slave controllers on the same communication line, the master controller requires a minimum silent
interval of 14 characters (16ms at 9600 baud) between the last controller response and the first question from the next
Access path to the function (Access level: Expert)
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Area to
Supported function
Coil Status
Input Status
Holding Register
Input Register
1 / Read Coils
2 / Read Discrete Input
3 / Read Holding Register
4 / Read Input Register
5 / Write Single Coil
6 / Write Single Register
15 / Write Multiple Coils
16 / Write Multiple Registers
Modbus RTU - Bacnet MS/TP
Main menu
Communication settings
Port P1 Modbus / Bacnet settings
Modbus RTU RS485 slave
Baud rate:
Slave address:
Data bits / Parity / Stop bits:
Modbus RTU - Bacnet MS/TP
Modbus TCP - Bacnet IP
Z-MASTER-V1122-CSY-INM-Zehnder Easy5.0