YSI 5200A
YSI 5200A
at Instrument menu. Device Address menu opens. Scroll and select
networked instrument whose relay or channel is to be tested.
If local machine is selected, configured instrument name, if configured, is
displayed after selection. See notes regarding instrument and remote name
conventions. instrument and relay names in 5200 menus - page 133.
at Channel. Channel menu opens. Scroll and select channel/relay to
be tested.
Channel names are always listed as generic channels 1-8 regardless if local
machine is selected and the selected relay name has been user configured.
Channel 1-8 are always listed regardless if instrument selected is a 5200A or
an REM which instruments have 4 relay channels, and not 8 relay channels.
Configuring the 5200A
5. Scroll and select Relay or 4/20mA output type.
6. 4/20mA outputs test an IOEM 4/20mA output channel. For 4/20mA output
test, configure a Milliamp value. The Milliamp raange is 0.00 to 21.00.
7. Select Yes at Energized menu to toggle state of output.
8. Scroll and select Send Request.
at 5X00 Run Screen to send a com-
mand to the local, or networked, instrument to trigger configured output
test condition.
9. Verify locally, at the instrument whose output is being tested, that output
is at correct state or value.
after completing instrument channel output testing.
Configuring the 5200A