IM DLM4038-17EN
Sets or queries the level of the center position for manual scaling.
Sets or queries the scaling mode.
Sets or queries the sensitivity of the center position for manual scaling.
Sets or queries the measurement time period.
Sets or queries the voltage level used to determine the loss calculation
period for total loss computation.
Sets or queries the power unit.
Sets or queries the collector-emitter saturation voltage value for total loss
Sets or queries the type of power supply analysis.
Queries all power measurement settings.
Queries all distal, mesial, and proximal settings.
Sets or queries the distal, mesial, and proximal point mode setting.
Sets or queries the distal, mesial, and proximal points as percentages.
Sets or queries the distal, mesial, and proximal points as voltages.
Sets or queries the high and low points.
Sets or queries the measurement location indicator.
Queries all the settings for automated measurement of power measurement
Queries the setting of a power measurement parameter.
Queries the normal statistical processing count of the power measurement
Queries a statistical value of a power measurement parameter.
Queries the on/off status of the power measurement parameter.
Queries an automatically measured value of a power measurement
Collectively turns on or off the power measurement parameter.
Sets or queries the on/off status of power measurement.
Sets or queries the measurement source window.
Queries all power measurement input settings.
Executes auto deskewing for power measurement.
Queries all current input channel settings for power measurement.
Sets or queries the auto deskewing of the current input channel for power
Queries all current-to-voltage conversion ratio settings of the probe
connected to the current input channel for power measurement.
Sets or queries the deskewing source trace for power measurement.
Queries all voltage input channel settings for power measurement.
Sets or queries the auto deskewing of the voltage input channel for power
Queries all voltage-to-voltage conversion ratio settings of the probe
connected to the voltage input channel for power measurement.
Sets or queries the measurement time period.
Queries all distal, mesial, and proximal settings.
Sets or queries the distal, mesial, and proximal point mode setting.
5.1 List of Commands