IM DLM4038-17EN
Sets or queries the data value, which is one of the ID and data conditions, for
CAN FD bus signal triggering in binary notation.
Sets or queries the data input format, which is one of the ID and data
conditions, for CAN FD bus signal triggering.
Sets or queries whether signed or unsigned data format will be used, which
is one of the ID and data conditions, for CAN FD bus signal triggering.
Queries all identifier settings for the ID and data conditions for CAN FD bus
Queries all identifier settings for the ID and data conditions for CAN FD bus
Sets the ID value, which is one of the ID and data conditions, for CAN FD
bus signal triggering in hexadecimal notation.
Sets or queries the ID enable/disable condition, which is one of the ID and
data conditions, for CAN FD bus signal triggering.
Sets or queries the ID condition, which is one of the ID and data conditions,
for CAN FD bus signal triggering in binary notation.
Sets or queries the ID frame format (standard or extended), which is one of
the ID and data conditions, for CAN FD bus signal triggering.
Sets or queries the ID input format, which is one of the ID and data
conditions, for CAN FD bus signal triggering.
Queries all message and signal settings for the ID and data conditions for
Sets the message item, which is one of the ID and data conditions, for CAN
Sets or queries the message and signal condition, which is one of the ID and
data conditions, for CAN FD bus signal triggering.
Queries all signal settings for the ID and data conditions for CAN FD bus
Sets or queries the signal condition, which is one of the ID and data
conditions, for CAN FD bus signal triggering.
Sets a signal’s reference value, which is one of the ID and data conditions,
for CAN FD bus signal triggering in decimal notation.
Sets the signal item, which is one of the ID and data conditions, for CAN FD
Sets or queries the RTR, which is one of the ID and data conditions, for CAN
Queries all ID OR condition settings for CAN FD bus signal triggering.
Queries all ACK settings for the ID OR conditions for CAN FD bus signal
Sets or queries the ACK mode, which is one of the ID OR conditions, for
Sets or queries the ACK condition, which is one of the ID OR conditions, for
Queries all data settings for the ID OR conditions for CAN FD bus signal
Sets or queries the data enable/disable condition, which is one of the ID OR
conditions, for CAN FD bus signal triggering.
Queries all identifier settings for the ID OR conditions for CAN FD bus signal
Queries all ID settings for the ID OR conditions for CAN FD bus signal
Sets the ID value, which is one of the ID OR conditions, for CAN FD bus
signal triggering in hexadecimal notation.
5.1 List of Commands