IM DLM4038-17EN
Queries all computed waveform label settings.
Sets or queries a computed waveform label.
Sets or queries the display on/off status of a computed waveform label.
Queries all rotary-count computation settings.
Sets or queries the threshold level for rotary-count computation.
Sets or queries the level of the center position for manual scaling.
Sets or queries a scaling mode.
Sets or queries the sensitivity of the center position for manual scaling.
Queries all computation unit settings.
Sets or queries a unit of computation.
Sets or queries whether a unit of computation will be attached automatically
Queries all user-defined computation settings.
Queries all averaging settings for user-defined computation.
Sets or queries the attenuation constant of exponential averaging in user-
Sets or queries the averaging mode for user-defined computation.
Sets or queries a constant for user-defined computation.
Sets or queries the equation for user-defined computation.
Queries all filter settings for user-defined computation.
Sets or queries the filter band (frequency band) for user-defined computation. 5-136
Sets or queries the cutoff frequency for user-defined computation.
Sets or queries the filter type for user-defined computation.
Aborts user-defined computation (Math on History) of the history waveform. 5-136
Executes user-defined computation (Math on History) of the history
Queries all scaling settings for user-defined computation.
Executes auto ranging of user-defined computation.
Sets or queries the center value for scaling in user-defined computation.
Sets or queries the span from the center value for scaling in user-defined
Queries all of the settings for automated measurement of waveform
Queries the on/off status of all parameter of a waveform.
Queries all the parameter ON/OFF settings of the specified waveform in the
Collectively turns on or off all measurement items of a waveform in the
Queries the setting of a waveform parameter of a waveform in the specified
Queries the statistical processing count of a waveform parameter in the
Queries a statistical value of a waveform parameter in the specified area.
Sets or queries the on/off status of a waveform parameter in the specified
5.1 List of Commands