IM DLM4038-17EN
Sets the UART bus signal search data in ASCII format.
Sets or queries the data comparison condition (true or false) for UART signal
Sets or queries whether to distinguish uppercase and lowercase letters in
ASCII data for the UART bus signal search.
Sets or queries the number of data bytes for UART signal searching.
Sets the data for UART signal searching in hexadecimal notation.
Sets or queries the data value for UART signal searching in binary notation. 5-234
Sets or queries the data input format, which is one of the ID and data
conditions, for UART signal searching.
Queries all UART signal search error settings.
Sets or queries the UART signal search framing error setting.
Sets or queries the UART signal search parity error setting.
Sets or queries the UART signal search parity mode setting.
Sets or queries the format setting for UART signal analysis.
Sets or queries the UART signal search mode.
Sets or queries whether or not the analysis numbers of serial-bus signal-
analysis results are linked to zoom locations.
Sets the trigger mode to SINGLE, and starts waveform acquisition. Returns
zero if data acquisition is stopped before the specified time period. Returns 1
if waveform acquisition is not stopped within the specified time period.
Queries all of the settings for the communication status feature.
Queries the contents of the condition register.
Sets or queries the extended event enable register.
Queries the contents of the extended event register and clear the register.
Queries the error code and message information (top of the error queue).
Sets or queries the transition filter.
Sets or queries whether or not messages other than errors will be stored to
Sets or queries whether or not message information will be attached to the
response to the STATus:ERRor? query (on/off).
Queries all of the information related to setup data in the internal memory.
Queries information about the setup data in the specified location of the
5.1 List of Commands