IM 701450-51E
Read Direction of the I/O Data Bits: Bit Order
You can select the read direction of the bits according to the signal flow. When analysis
data is displayed in binary, the data is displayed in the order of the flow regardless of the
bit order setting. When analysis data is displayed in hexadecimal, the data is displayed
according to the setting, separated every four bits in the order of the flow.
MSB First
Select this when the I/O data signal is flowing MSB first.
LSB First
Select this when the I/O data signal is flowing LSB first.
When set to MSB First: E831
When set to LSB First: 71C8
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
The bit order setting is connected with the setting in the ENHANCED menu in the Analyze
Setup dialog box (see page 3-6).
Range That Can Be Analyzed
Up to 80000 bytes of analysis data can be displayed. The displayed result varies
depending on the number of bytes analyzed as follows:
• When the total analysis data is less than or equal to 80000 bytes
All points are displayed regardless of the position of the reference point.
• When the total analysis data is greater than 80000 bytes:
The displayed result varies depending on the number of analysis data in the Pre* and
Post* sections as follows:
When the Pre section contains 44000 points and the Post section contains 44000 points, 40000
data points in the Pre section and 40000 data points in the Post section are displayed.
When the Pre section contains 8000 points and the Post section contains 80000 points, 8000
data points in the Pre section and 72000 data points in the Post section are displayed.
When the Pre section contains 80000 points and the Post section contains 8000 points, 72000
data points in the Pre section and 8000 data points in the Post section are displayed.
Pre: Before (left of) the reference point, Post: After (right of) the reference point
Analysis Data List (Analysis Result List)
The following four items are displayed.
• Analysis number
• Data1 value (hexadecimal)
• Data2 value (hexadecimal)
• CS signal status or the name of the CS signal whose priority is high
Analysis Numbers
Up to 80000 bytes can be displayed. Depending on whether the CS signal is ON, the
data of analysis number 0 (byte level) is defined as follows: The data points that are
newer than the data point of analysis number 0 (to the right on the screen) are assigned
numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on as the data points get newer. The data points that are older
than the data point of analysis number 0 (to the left on the screen) are assigned numbers
–1, –2, –3, and so on as the data points get older.
• When None of the CS Signals Is ON
The first detected data after the reference point becomes analysis number 0.
Reference point
3.5 Analyzing/Searching Data