IM 701830-01E
Setting the Trigger Position
For a description of this function, refer to page 1-11.
Trigger Position
Specify which part of the acquired waveform in the acquisition memory to display on the screen
by setting the trigger position. If the trigger delay is 0 s, the trigger position is equivalent to the
trigger point.
Trigger point
Trigger position
Trigger delay : 0 s, Trigger position : 50 %
Setting range for trigger position
Taking the record length to be 100%, set a value between 0 to 100% (in steps of 1%).
Position marker
mark on the line above the screen indicates the position of the trigger position with
respect to the entire record length.
When the display record length is less than the set record length, there are waveforms that are
not displayed on the screen. In this case, the trigger position may not be on the current
displayed screen. To observe the area near the trigger position, move the waveform display
position with “Main Position” of the zoom function or the replay function.
Record length
Trigger position
Record length
Trigger position
Display record length < Record length
Display record length = Record length
Points for attention
• If you change the trigger position while waveform acquisition is suspended, the new setting
will not become effective until acquisition is resumed and the waveform is updated.
• Note that cursor time measurements are with respect to the trigger position. Changing the
trigger position therefore changes the measurement values (except during roll-mode display).
• When you change the T/div setting, the time axis setting is rescaled with respect to the trigger