IM AQ1210-01EN
Event Analysis Results
Event No.
A number is displayed on the waveform next to the event. The measurement reference point is
displayed as S and the fiber end point as E. In the section between S to E, the numbers are in
ascending order from the left of the display.
The distance from the measurement reference point to each event is displayed. If you move the
distance reference, which is the measurement reference point, the distance from the distance
reference to each event is displayed. For details about the distance reference, see page 6-6.
Splice Loss
The splice loss for each event is displayed.
Return Loss
The return loss for each event is displayed.
Cumulate Loss
The loss from the measurement reference point is displayed. If the distance reference is specified,
the distance reference is the measurement reference point. If the distance reference is not
specified, the measurement reference point (S) is the measurement reference.
The loss per kilometer between events is displayed.
Event Types
The type of each event is displayed with the following symbols.
: Positive splice loss
: Negative splice loss
: Reflection
: Bending loss (macro bending)
: Splitter insertion loss
: Superimposed reflections
Total Loss
Displayed in the following manner depending on the total loss calculation method. For the setup
procedure, see section 2.3.
Cumulate loss: The integrated value of the splice losses at each event from measurement
reference point S is displayed.
Loss between S and E: The loss between the measurement reference point (S) and the end of
fiber (E) is displayed.
Total Return Loss
The integrated value of the return losses of each event.
5.1 Analyzing in TRACE Mode