IM AQ1210-01EN
Multi-Fiber Measurement
The following four measurements can be performed in multi-fiber measurement.
• OTDR measurement (Realtime)
• OTDR measurement (Average)
• Optical power measurement
• Fiber Inspec Probe
The four measurement features use the same features as the OTDR feature for measuring a single
fiber explained in section 1.1, the optical power meter (excluding the logging feature) explained in
section 1.6, and the fiber end face inspection explained in section 1.6. You can run and use these
four measuring features from the main view screen of multi-fiber measurement.
OTDR feature (realtime)
OTDR feature (average)
Optical power
Fiber inspection
Example of measuring core number 44
Saving Measurement Result Data
You can save the results of multi-fiber measurement for each fiber. The data is saved in the folder
explained in “Project File Structure” on the previous page. For details on the data format, see
section 9.4.
• OTDR Feature (Realtime, Average)
For each fiber, waveform data is saved in SOR format in a single file.
• Fiber Inspec Probe
For each fiber, screen capture data is saved in BMP format in a single file.
• Optical Power Meter
For each project, data is saved in tab-separated CSV format in a single file.
1.7 Application