IM AQ1210-01EN
Pass/Fail Judgment (/FST option)
Configuring the Pass/Fail Judgment
• Selecting the Optical Fiber Cable
Select the type of optical fiber cable to be judged.
SM: Single
• Selecting the Judgment Reference
Select the ferrule’s polished surface of optical fiber cable to be judged. The judgment reference
varies depending on the polished surface.
UPC, SPC: For spherical surface polishing
APC: For angled spherical surface polishing
User: When judgment execution and threshold are set manually (when any of the settings
is changed, the judgment reference is automatically set to User) When you select
the polished surface, the judgment execution on/off and scratch or defect judgment
threshold values explained below are set automatically.
• Turning Judgment Execution On or Off
Judgment of scratches and defects are executed separately by size. The size value is fixed.
Clearing the check box turns off the judgment execution. Pass/fail judgment is not performed on
scratches or defects whose check box has been cleared.
• Setting the Scratch or Defect Judgment Threshold Values
Set the number of scratches and defects that will be judged as fail. The range is 0 to 100.
If the judgment execution check box explained above is cleared, No Limit is displayed.
Judgment Results (Summary)
Displays the judgment results and the number of detected scratches (Scratch) and detects (Defect).
The detection count is displayed separately for the core, cladding, and contact areas. The judgment
will be fail if there is even only a single fail (×) judgment.
Judgment result
Pass: Check mark (green)
Fail: × (red)
Number of detected
scratches and defects
Judgment Results (Details)
For each of the core, cladding, and contact areas, the threshold (Setting) and detection count (Result)
are displayed.
If the detection count (Result) exceeds the threshold (Setting), the judgment will be fail (×).
Scratches and defects are detected separately by size.
Scratch(<=3um): Scratches that are 3 µm or less
Scratches that exceed 3 µm
Defect(2 to 5um): Defects that are 2 µm to 5 µm
Executing a Save Operation
The judgment result image and a judgment result file (including judgment settings) in CSV format
are saved with the same file name (excluding the extension). Video cannot be saved.
7.6 Using the Fiber Inspection Probe (/FST option)