Direct Operation
In this mode, WIRES-X C4FM communications are made directly by using the USB connected Portable Digital Node
Station transceiver Node Station. The microphone signal is sent only to the PC and the Internet. The Internet signals
are heard only in the Portable Digital Node Station transceiver speaker. In this Direct Operation, the Portable Digital
Node Station transceiver does not transmit or receive over the air.
Direct Operation (Portable Digital Node Mode) Illustration
C4FM Digital
C4FM Digital
WIRES-X Digital Room
Digital Node Station
C4FM Digital
Digital Node Station
Digital Node Station
C4FM Digital
WIRES-X Digital Node Station
Press the PTT switch on
the transceiver connected
to the PC to communicate.
Portable Digital Node Station
Portable HRI Mode
Supports Internet communication in both C4FM Digital Mode and Analog Mode
Requires a Yaesu C4FM Portable Digital Node capable transceiver, a USB Connection Cable, audio cables and a PC
with WIRES-X Software and Internet connection. (The HRI-200 interface is not used).
In the Portable HRI Mode configuration, either the Access Point operation or the Direct operation may be activated:
Access Point
Portable HRI Mode
In this mode, WIRES-X C4FM and Analog communications are made via another local C4FM transceiver
communicating on frequency with the connected Portable Digital Node Station. The Portable Digital Node Station
transceiver relays the local C4FM and Analog signals to the Internet and transmits the Internet Node and Room signals
to the local stations. This Node mode allows the flexibility to operate the Portable Digital Node to access WIRES-X
Nodes and Rooms from one or several local C4FM transceivers.
Access Point (Portable HRI Mode) Illustration
C4FM Digital
C4FM Digital
Analog FM
Digital Node Station
C4FM Digital
Digital Node Station
Analog Node Station
Analog FM
Analog Node Station
WIRES-X Node Station
Communicate by RF to access the
Portable Digital Node station from
other C4FM digital transceivers.
Portable Digital Node Station