Use of Vehicles
When you buy a car, please check whether the technical documents are complete. Please read this manual carefully before using the vehicle.
Vehicle Warranty
According to the prescribed mileage or time limit, please go to XEV special service station for vehicle maintenance and regular maintenance,
otherwise the user will be deemed to give up the right of maintenance automatically. The “User’s Manual” and “Warranty Manual” of XEV
automobile products specify the agreement between the company and the user on the generation and termination of the rights and obligations in
respect of product quality guarantee responsibility and after-sales service. Please be sure to carefully read the “Operation Manual” and “Warranty
Manual” before using our products. If you do not properly use, maintain, repair the product or refit, adjust or disassemble the vehicle according
to the requirements of this manual, you will lose the right to claim for compensation, and any warranty application will be rejected by XEV
automobile special service station.
Users are not allowed to modify, adjust or disassemble the vehicle at will. Modification, adjustment or disassembly of the vehicle may affect
the performance of the vehicle, especially the safety and durability, or even violate national laws. Any malfunction or performance degradation
caused by modification, adjustment or disassembly of the vehicle will not be covered by our warranty.
When replacing the parts of the vehicle, please use the genuine XEV parts to ensure the quality of maintenance and to prevent potential safety
risks or damage to the vehicle caused by the use of fake and inferior parts. Failure of the vehicle due to the use of non-xev genuine parts will not
be covered by our warranty.
After reading this manual carefully, if you still have any questions, you can go to XEV car special service station or call XEV car customer service
center for consultation. Free consultation hotline: 000000 we will provide you with warm and perfect service.