Potential impacts:
• Ensure that the correct paper weight and paper type are selected.
• The printed output contains a mass of dry ink/toner coverage. On the printed output, the amount
of paper curl depends on the size of the dry ink/toner mass.
• The paper weight and whether or not it is coated or uncoated.
• The humidity conditions at the press.
• You can sometimes minimize curl problems by flipping the paper over in the tray. If excessive curl
is still present, use a heavier paper.
• To ensure continuous production, empty the output device when the output approaches the
maximum amount that the device can hold; refer to the specifications for that output device for
output limit amount.
• An attempt to print on thicker paper or on paper stock that is less sensitive to moisture.
Paper curl can be adjusted in the following ways:
• If the Interface Decurler Module or Interface Decurler Module with Inline Spectrophotometer
(ILS) is attached, use the manual decurl buttons on the control panel for the module. For
information, refer to
Interface Decurler Module and Interface Decurler Module with Inline
• Refer to
• Use the
Adjust Paper Curl
feature. For information, refer to the
System Administrator Guide
Caannnnoott PPrriinntt B
Beeccaauussee O
Ouuttppuutt PPaappeerr W
Wiiddtthh D
Dooeess N
Noott M
IInnssttaalllleedd FFuusseerr A
Unable to print with current fuser assembly because the output paper width does not match the
installed fuser.
• Replace the fuser assembly with one that supports the specific paper width for the current print
job. For more information, refer to
• Cancel the current print job and continue with the print job by resubmitting from the print server.
When resubmitting the job from the print server, do not override the
current fuser maximum width. Overriding the fuser width causes a mismatch, and can
damage the fuser.