ACQS takes the variability out of the color equation by incorporating standardized color
measurements using the Inline Spectrophotometer to calibrate color on the press as well as
generating accurate destination profiles for different stocks.
Procedures are automated in that they eliminate the need for an operator to manually scan
target sheets using an external spectrophotometer. The operator must initiate the procedure
at the print server, but all target sheets are then generated and scanned automatically and all
measurements, calculations, and corrections are performed automatically.
Inline Spectrophotometer (ILS)
- included with the IDM with ILS:
The Inline Spectrophotometer (ILS) is housed in the Interface Decurler Module. The ILS
enables the Automated Color Quality Suite, which automates the process of ensuring stable
and accurate color from job to job, by eliminating the need for operators to use a hand-held
spectrophotometer during print server calibration. It also facilitates the creation of custom
destination profiles for each stock on which the press prints.
With the ILS is strategically placed within the paper path, automated processes like
measurements for calibration and destination profiling are quick to perform and require less
down-time for the press. Working together, the ACQS software and the ILS hardware gives
accurate color faster and provides more stable color over time.
Besides the Inline Spectrophotometer (ILS), the Interface Decurler Module contains additional
cooling to support the higher speeds of the press when running at higher speeds and a
decurler component to ensure flat sheets for finishing.
Configuration Information Regarding the Performance Package
1. The Performance Package must be ordered when the press is ordered. Once the press has been
configured without the Performance Package option, it cannot be upgraded at a later time to
include the package.
2. The Performance Package is not available with the Xerox EX-i 280 Print Server. Customers must
order the external Xerox EX 280 Print Server.
3. If customers configure the press with the Business Ready (BR) Finisher, the Business Ready
Finisher with Booklet Maker, or the Offset Catch Tray, then the Performance Package option is not
available for the configuration.
4. When the Performance Package is ordered, the Interface Decurler Module with ILS must be used.
The package cannot be used with other Interface Decurler Modules.
5. Various finishing options are enabled when the Interface Decurler Module or the Interface
Decurler Module with Inline Spectrophotometer (ILS) is installed.
Finishing Devices that Require an Interface Decurler Module
The following finishing devices require the Interface Decurler Module or the Interface Decurler
Module with Inline Spectrophotometer (ILS):
• Inserter device
• High Capacity Stacker (HCS)
• Two-Sided Trimmer
• C/Z Folder
• Production Ready (PR) Finisher