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The All Stock Rated Speed (ASRS) performance option is ordered before the initial installation of the
system. It is not possible to upgrade an existing press with the All Stock Rated Speed (ASRS)
performance after the system is ordered and installed.
The All Stocks Rated Speed (ASRS) feature eliminates the slower speeds created by heavier weight
stocks. With ASRS, only the size of the stock, and not its weight, governs the speed of the press.
Therefore, all stock weights up to 400 g/m
for a given sheet size run at the rated speed, that is the
top speed, for that stock size.
With the Xerox
280 Press with All Stock Rated Speed (ASRS) performance option, the user
experiences a 25 percent increase in handling heavyweight stock. The press does not require a
standalone print server, and comes with the integrated Xerox
EX-i 280 Print Server, Powered by
If you purchase the optional All Stocks Rated Speed (ASRS) package, the Interface
Decurler Module for All Stocks Rated Speed (ASRS) is required, regardless of any additional
finishing devices.
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Oppttiioonnaall PPeerrffoorrm
maannccee PPaacckkaaggee
The Performance Package is ordered prior to initial installation of the system. It is
not possible to upgrade an existing press with the Performance Package after the press is
ordered and installed.
The optional Performance Package is a suite of technologies and tools that enhances the capabilities
of the base press in three areas: operational speed, color management automation, and print shop
The Performance Package is comprised of the following technologies and tools:
• All Stocks Rated Speed (ASRS) software
• Automated Color Quality System (ACQS) software
• Inline Spectrophotometer (ILS), which is included with the Interface Decurler Module
• Xerox EX 280 Print Server
All Stocks Rated Speed (ASRS)
The All Stocks Rated Speed (ASRS) feature eliminates the slower speeds created by heavier weight
stocks. With ASRS, only the size of the stock, and not its weight, governs the speed of the press.
Therefore, all stock weights up to 400 g/m
for a given sheet size run at the rated speed, that is the
top speed, for that stock size.
Automated Color Quality System (ACQS)
The Automated Color Quality System (ACQS) is an advanced color management technology that
transfers the complex decisions about color maintenance from operators to an automated system.
ACQS automates the printing and measuring of calibration charts and then calculates and makes
precise adjustments to color tables based on the results.