The booklet is flattened and the spine squared according to the square-fold
setting indicated on the control panel.
After the booklet is flattened and the spine squared, it is moved to the trimmer
• Based on the finished booklet size, the booklet is moved until the trail edge
reaches the trimmer cutter.
• The trail edge is trimmed (cut); this is based on the finished booklet size
entered for the trimmer mode setting.
The booklet is then moved to the exit area where it is transported to the booklet
Booklets exiting the SquareFold
Trimmer device may contain trim remnants or scraps
from the previously trimmed booklet. This is due to static electricity build-up and is normal. If
booklets contain trim remnants or scraps, simply remove and discard them.
Square Fold and Trim Features
Square Fold Feature
The Square Fold feature is available only when the press is connected to both a finisher with a
booklet maker and the SquareFold Trimmer Module.
The Square Fold feature can be selected or accessed from your computer print driver, the press User
Interface (UI), or the print server.
The term Book Pressing is used synonymously with the terms Square Fold or Square
Square Fold Adjustment Settings
The square fold feature can be switched on or off based on user preference. When the feature is
switched on, you can select one of five options depending on your requirements for the finished
booklet job.
Run one or more test prints before running large jobs.