f. On the
tab, set
Paper source
Tray 5 (bypass)
g. On the
tab, for
Delivery options
, select the
Offset Catch Tray
or specific
Top Tray
that you want to use to collect the prints. Specify delivery of the output to the Offset Catch
Tray or a Top Tray.
7. Click
, then monitor the printing.
PPrriinnttiinngg SSaaddddllee--ssttiittcchheedd B
Booookklleettss w
wiitthh FFuullll B
Blleeeedd,, TTrriim
meedd EEddggeess,,
aanndd IInnsseerrttiinngg PPrreepprriinntteedd C
The following print job workflows require you to have an Inserter device, a
Production Ready Booklet Maker Finisher, a Crease and 2-Sided Trimmer, and a SquareFold
This workflow produces an appealing look on the printed output because:
• The booklet maker creates saddle-stitched booklets
• The two trimmers cut off the edges on three sides of the booklets so that the images extend to
the edge of the pages
• Preprinted cover pages are inserted into the workflow with the Inserter device
There is one workflow scenario for the Xerox
EX 280 and EX-i 280 Print Servers, Powered by Fiery
Creating Booklets with Full Bleed with the EX Print Servers
This procedure requires the following finishing devices:
• A Production Ready Booklet Maker Finisher
• A Crease and Two-Sided Trimmer device
• Inserter device
• SquareFold
Trimmer device
The booklet maker creates saddle-stitched booklets, while the two trimmers cut the edges off three
sides of the booklets so that the images extend to the edge of the pages. With the Inserter device,
you can insert preprinted cover pages in this workflow. This full-bleed output produces an appealing
look for some documents.
The setup for this type of workflow includes:
• Loading the paper and programming it at the press UI
• Submitting the job and opening Job Properties
• Setting Properties for the media, layout, folding and trimming
• Selecting the settings to insert preprinted covers
• Releasing the job for a Proof copy
• Checking the output and making any adjustments to the trim settings or imposition