output capability of up to 92 pages per minute, the system can
generate multiple copies of reports and other documents as
originals from the printer. The 4890 can even print color on your
documents without diminishing throughput performance.
Automated operation
By giving operators and programmers the capability to program
the print job, repetitive jobs are handled easily and consistently,
and the printer can print documents at the maximum capacity.
Highlight color
Unlike traditional printing, the 4890 can add highlight color to
your documents and reports in a single pass. Highlight color
makes documents look more professional, and gives you an
additional tool for enhancing readability, and for supporting the
message and organization of the documents.
Cover-to-cover document processing
The programming capability combined with a variety of hardware
configurations makes it possible to produce documents with
cover-to-cover control. For example, cover pages of a report can
be printed on heavier paper stock, and the output can be
collated or stapled. The separate handling and finishing process
of traditional printing is eliminated in electronic printing.
Copy processing
Electronic printing with the 4890 LPS allows you to customize
individual copies of a multiple-copy report. For example, you
can eliminate sensitive information from a specified number of
4890 feature reference
The major features of the 4890 are as follows:
Xerox laser printing output up to 92 ppm
1024 KB words of task memory
Disk drive controller with one 400 MB fixed disk drive
Optional graphic video generator (GVG) with 32 Mb of
graphic memory
Queue management facility.
LPS connection options
Xerox offers a variety of optional interfaces for online and offline
operations to allow the 4890 to work effectively in diverse
environments. These options are as follows:
Online interface for all IBM systems supporting the channel-
attached 3211 and 4245 protocols
Offline interface for any 9-track (1600/6250 bpi), 1/2-inch, and
1/4-inch cartridge tape conforming to one of the formats
listed in the “LPS connections” chapter.
OEM interface for SNA/SDLC and bisynchronous (BSC)
DEC interface for VAX/VMS Digital Data Communications
Message Protocol (DDCMP) environments
Ethernet interface for XNS network-connected devices
Front end processor option provides connectivity with local
area networks (LANs) to Ethernet. The front end processor
enables input from: