In figure 1-1, the illustration on the left shows a conceptual view
of a greatly enlarged pixel matrix, and on the right a box with the
printed result on the 4890. This matrix represents one quarter
black, one quarter highlight primary color, and one half white.
Figure 1-1.
Conceptual picture of the pixel matrix used in
the creation of highlight color
The illustration in figure 1-2 gives the same representation of a
different pixel matrix that results in a different color, as shown in
the box right of the illustration.
Figure 1-2.
Conceptual picture of the pixel matrix used in
the creation of highlight color
Specifying 4890 colors
When creating documents and reports, 4890 colors are specified
by commands indicating the name of a color. In some host-
resident software, a number is often used to designate a color.
Each color has been defined as an ink, a term used to refer to a
4890 color.
Inks (colors) are defined in an ink catalog file (identified by the
.ICT extension on the file). Your 4890 comes with an ink catalog
containing a large set of 4890 inks.
Ink referencing
Once the inks are defined, they may be referenced by name in
certain Page Description Language (PDL), and Form Description
Language (FDL) statements. (Refer to the 4890 HighLight Color