SCSI System Disk/Floppy Disk
The 4890 program has transitioned from the ESDI based system
disk/floppy architecture to a SCSI based architecture.
Color Enhancements
The Color Enhancements project is comprised of three main
features and they are:
Extended Palettes
Shared Disk Enhancements
The PDL CRITERIA statement defines a test to be performed on
variable data in the specified fields to determine whether a true
or false value should be returned to the special processing
feature that invokes the test criteria.
A new, special processing feature, LMODIFY, will select text in
print lines to be modified before printing. The criteria for
selecting the text to be modified can be specified by using the
existing CRITERIA commands, CONSTANT and CHANGE or by
using a new CRITERIA VALUE command. The CRITERIA VALUE
command is designed to allow signed magnitude comparisons of
numeric character strings.
NOTE: In the BSELECT/BDELETE statements, only the CONSTANT
mode criteria can be used. The CHANGE mode criteria or the
new VALUE mode criteria are not allowed in these statements.
A new VCODE command has been added to the VOLUME
statement to allow for the specification of a character-type table
which is to be used when numeric character strings are being
evaluated for VALUE mode criteria tests.
Extended Palettes
When the structure of the ink catalog files was first designed, the
size was not a major consideration. However, due to
space/storage limitations on floppy diskettes (which are used for
SYSGENing a system), the size of the ink catalog files to fit on a
floppy diskette became an issue, particularly where customers
have no alternate method (cartridge or tape drive) to load the
Eventually there may be at most 29 highlight color toners
available which would cause XEROX1.ICT to grow to 1682 blocks
which is more than the amount of data that would fit on a floppy
diskette (1326 blocks). Therefore, changes to the Ink Compiler
are required in order to support these toners.
The following changes are implemented to yield a compact ink
catalog file to meet the floppy disk size requirement.