12. Attention light
Provides a visual warning to alert the operator when the printer
has a problem that demands attention. The light has three states
(steady yellow, modulating yellow, or off) indicating the severity
of the problem. The actual error or problem is described in
detail in the message display.
Additional features
Instruction labels
Instruction labels are located throughout the printer to assist you
with a variety of tasks.
Audible tones
For certain conditions, audible tones call your attention to the
printer. Volume may be adjusted by a service representative.
CCU changeout cart
The cart (shown in figure 2-7) is used to remove and install the
customer changeable unit (CCU). This CCU consists of the color
developer housing and the dry ink bottle. Due to the physical
weight of the CCU, the cart is used to remove the CCU from the
printer and replace it with another CCU containing a different
color dry ink.
Figure 2-7.
The CCU changeout cart with CCU loaded
The carts also serve as storage devices for any CCUs not
currently in use in your system. For example, if you use both the
red and blue dry inks in your operation, one CCU is always out
of the machine in storage on the cart while the other is installed.
It is therefore necessary to have a cart for each CCU, where one
cart is always empty and available to remove the CCU installed in
the system. If your printer prints only one color, the CCU will
never be removed and the cart is not necessary. If there is more
than one printer in operation at your site, it may not be
necessary to have one cart per CCU; however, CCUs are not
interchangeable between 4850 and 4890 models. The CCU is
labeled to identify its associated printer.
Hardware options
The following options are available to further enhance the
productivity of the 4890 LPS in your environment.