embedded within the code create color lines, boxes, and text.
The FDL used on the 4890 LPS is an enhanced version of the FDL
used to create black-only documents on the Xerox
4050/4090/4650 monochrome black printers. The 4890 allows
the specification of inks by the names defined in the system-
resident ink catalogs.
Lines and text used within forms created by FDL may use only
the pure forms of black and the highlight primary. However, box
fill (the space within the boundaries of a defined box) may use
any highlight color tint, shade, or tone that is defined in one of
the system ink catalogs.
Using FDL equivalents
If you prefer not to use FDL on the printer, there are host and
workstation-resident applications that produce equivalent results
in highlight color. Some of these packages include the
Elixir, used on a PC
Lytrod, used on a PC
Intran, used on a Sun workstation
Xerox Forms Generator (XFG), used on an IBM mainframe.
Each of these packages produces forms that can be stored and
used on either the 4850 or 4890.
Using FCU
If the file to be printed is a black-only file from a monochrome
4000 family Xerox printer, it may be printed on the 4890 using
black ink without modifying the .FRM, .LGO, or .IMG files. If,
however, you want to print the file in color, it must be converted
to a highlight color file. The file conversion utility (FCU) allows
black-only .FRM, .LGO, and .IMG files to be converted to fully
saturated color. If you recompile the form, the .LGO file must
be in the color format.
If the original source file is unavailable, then the .FRM, .LGO, or
.IMG file may be converted to highlight color format by FCU,
which is resident on the 4890. Files converted through FCU
retain the same file name and extension, so care should be taken
to separate these from the original black-only versions.
Converted files are no longer printable on any printer other than
the 4850 and 4890 LPS.
FCU allows an ink reference to be specified that allows the file to
print using only one of the available primary inks. For instance, a
file converted from black to red prints using only red ink.
If FCU is used to convert a 4000 family monochrome printer
version of a .FRM or .LGO file to a black-only highlight color
version, then the new file can still be printed in color using ink
substitution. A black-only 4050/4090/4650 monochrome printer
version of .FRM and .LGO cannot be printed in color through the
use of ink substitution without first being converted to a
HighLight LPS version by FCU. .IMG files may be converted but
it is not necessary to convert them first to print in color.