Manual 37139C
UMT 1 - Measuring Transducer
© Woodward
Page 35/62
Screens for Protocol CAN Bus (
Options SU/SB
Please note that IDs must not be allocated twice. This applies to all units linked to the bus system.
Moreover, all IDs adjusted at the unit must be set to different values.
Procedure for transmission-IDs: The same "Basic-ID Transmission" is allocated to all units existing
within the bus system. This allows a grouping of the various types of information. (Example: The same
"Basic-ID Transmission" = 800 is allocated to all units. By means of the different unit numbers, the in-
dividual IDs are then allocated; unit number 1: ID = 801; unit number 2: ID = 802; etc.)
Device number CAN-bus
1 to 8
The CAN bus device number is entered here. The device number affects the calcu-
lation of the transmitting and controlling IDs.
Baudrate CAN-Bus
Setting the baud rate.
Base-ID (send)
Basic - ID Transmission
0 to 2015
The ID, from which the device is transmitting its operating data, is calculated from
the Basic-ID Transm Device Number CAN-Bus.
Base-ID (remote)
Basic - ID control
0 to 2015
The ID, at which the device receives control data, is calculated from the Basic-ID-
C Device Number CAN-Bus.