Manual 37139C
UMT 1 - Measuring Transducer
© Woodward
Page 33/62
analog output 2 (-10/0 to 10 V: terminals 50/52, -20/0/4 to 20 mA: terminals 52/53)
Output of the phase-phase voltage L12:
20 mA-output
Analog output 2
0 .. 00 mA
10 V-Ausgang
Analog output 2
0 .. 00 V
Output range of the
(20 mA) -20 to +20 / 0 to 20 / 4 to 20 mA / OFF
analog output 2
(10 V) -10 to +10 / 0 to 10 V / OFF
20 mA-analog output (the upper value is 20 mA)
20 mA
For the output of the lower value, -20 mA are output.
20 mA
... For the output of the lower value, 0 mA are output.
20 mA
... For the output of the lower value, 4 mA are output.
.............. If this function is set to "OFF", 0 mA are output, and the subsequent
screens of this function are not indicated.
10 V-analog output (the upper value is 10 V)
+10 V
. For the output of the lower value, -10 V are output.
10 V
....... For the output of the lower value,0 V are output.
.............. If this function is set to "OFF", 0 V are output, and the subsequent
screens of this function are not indicated.
Analog output 2
Output value of the analog output 2
see above table
Selection of the quantity to be output (please refer to above table).
Analog output
0mA = 00000V
Example for 20 mA-output
Scaling of the lower output value
see above table
This parameter assigns the lower limit for power that corresponds to the lower limit
for the analog output.
Analog output
20mA = 00000V
Example for 20 mA-output
Scaling of the upper output value
see above table
This parameter assigns the upper limit for power that corresponds to the upper limit
for the analog output.