Manual 37139C
UMT 1 - Measuring Transducer
© Woodward
Page 31/62
Display Refresh Time
From version 2.1xx the refresh rate of the display (cycle time) can be adjusted.
Refresh time
Display 01s
Refresh time display
1 to 5 s
This parameter determines how often the display is updated/refreshed. This parame-
ter only affects the display. The time configured for this parameter has no effect
upon interface or analog outputs.
Measuring Filter
Voltage, current, frequency and power may be monitored though a filter on all control units from ver-
sion 2.1xx on.
A first order digital low pass filter is used to filter noise from the measured values (one measuring pe-
riod is 20 ms at 50 Hz). The time constants of this filter may be adjusted. Different effects are possible
when the time constraints are adjusted:
Faster output and display of measuring values
If a small time constant is configured, a fast output of measuring values without additional delay due
to digital filtering is achieved. If the filter is configured to OFF, a direct output without filtering the
measuring value occurs.
Settling of the display with oscillating measured value outputs
If the measuring value under normal conditions is oscillating causing the displayed value to fluxuate,
the filter constant may be increased. This will allow the measured outputs (via analog outputs or inter-
face) to fluxuate less and allow for a display that is steadier.
Measuring filter
Voltage 0.00s
Measuring filter voltage
OFF / 0.04 to 2.56 s
The measuring intervals of the voltage measuring may be adjusted here. With this
filter the measuring can be steadied and oscillations during actual value measuring
can be settled.
Measuring filter
Current 0.00s
Measuring filter current
OFF / 0.04 to 2.56 s
The measuring intervals of the current measuring may be adjusted here. With this
filter the measuring can be steadied and oscillations during actual value measuring
can be settled.
Measuring filter
Power 0.00s
Measuring filter power
OFF / 0.04 to 2.56 s
The measuring intervals of the power measuring may be adjusted here. With this fil-
ter the measuring can be steadied and oscillations during actual value measuring can
be settled.
Measuring filter
Frequency 0.00s
Measuring filter frequency
OFF / 0.04 to 2.56 s
The measuring intervals of the frequency measuring may be adjusted here. With this
filter the measuring can be steadied and oscillations during actual value measuring
can be settled.