Manual 37139C
UMT 1 - Measuring Transducer
Page 32/62
© Woodward
Analog Outputs (
Options A1/2/3/4/6/8
It is possible to apply a certain measuring quantity (according to the table below) to each available analog output
via the push buttons. At the
20/0/4 to 20 mA analog outputs, the signal may be transmitted as a
20 to 20 mA, a
0 to 20 mA, or a 4 to 20 mA value. At
10/0 to 10 V analog outputs, the output signal may be transmitted as a -
10 to 10 V or a 0 to 10 V value. The value to be transmitted may be scaled via an upper and a lower entry value.
The scaling is linear. The inputs may also be through the use of positive and negative signs.
Lower and upper setting value
0 V, -10 V
0 mA, 4 mA, -20 mA
10 V, 20 mA
U L1-N
0 to 65,000 V
U L2-N
0 to 65,000 V
U L3-N
0 to 65,000 V
U L-N mean value
0 to 65,000 V
U L-N max. value
0 to 65,000 V
U L-N min value
0 to 65,000 V
U L1-L2
0 to 65,000 V
U L2-L3
0 to 65,000 V
U L3-L1
0 to 65,000 V
U L-L mean value
0 to 65,000 V
U L-L max. value
0 to 65,000 V
U L-L min. value
0 to 65,000 V
30.00 to 80.00 Hz
I L1
0 to 9,999 A
I L2
0 to 9,999 A
I L3
0 to 9,999 A
I 1-3 middle value
0 to 9,999 A
I 1-3 max.value
0 to 9,999 A
I 1-3 min.value
0 to 9,999 A
I L1 (+/-)
-9,999 to 9,999 A
I L2 (+/-)
-9,999 to 9,999 A
I L3 (+/-)
-9,999 to 9,999 A
I 1-3 (+/-)midd.
-9,999 to 9,999 A
I 1-3 (+/-)max.
-9,999 to 9,999 A
I 1-3 (+/-)min.
-9,999 to 9,999 A
Active power
-32,000 to 32,000 kW
Reactive power
-32,000 to 32,000 kvar
Apparent power
0 to 32,000 kVA
power factor
i0.50 to 1.00 to c0.50
The symbol of the current values is defined via the polarity of the active components.
Table 6-1: Analog outputs, table of values