Manual 37139C
UMT 1 - Measuring Transducer
© Woodward
Page 27/62
Change Passwords (Starting with Version 2.0xx / 3.0xx)
Once the code level is set, it will not be changed even after entering the configuration repeatedly an
incorrect code number has been entered, the code level is set to CS0, thus locking the device for ex-
ternal persons.
If for 2 hours uninterruptedly supply voltage is applied, the device automatically switches to code lev-
el 0.
Define level 1
code 0000
Define level 1 password
0000 to 9999
This screen appears only when the level 2 password has been entered. After entering
the digits into this screen, the code level for level 1 (client) is set. After entering this
code, the user only has the access rights assigned to this code level.
This code level (CS) is preset to
CS1 = 0 0 0 1
Define level 2
code 0000
Define level 2 password
0000 to 9999
This screen appears only when the level 2 password has been entered. After entering
the digits into this screen, the code level for level 2 (technician) is set. After enter-
ing the code, the technician has the access rights with which he was assigned.
This code level (CS) is preset to
CS2 = 0 0 0 2