Manual 37139C
UMT 1 - Measuring Transducer
Page 20/62
© Woodward
In order to facilitate the setting of the parameters the buttons are equipped with an "AUTOSCROLL" function
while the controller is in the configuration mode. It permits the user to rapidly advance to the next setting and
configuration screens, the digits, or the cursor position. The "AUTOSCROLL" function will only be enabled
when the user presses and holds the corresponding buttons.
/ Select
Color: none
/ Select
Automatic mode:
- By pressing this button, the user advances
through the display of operating (wye voltages, delta voltages,
wire currents) and alarm messages. The "Wye" and "Delta"
LEDs are illuminated accordingly.
- By pressing this button, the user advances to the
next configuration screen. If the value originally displayed has
been changed via the "Digit
" or "Cursor
" push buttons, the
newly set value is saved by pressing the "Select" push button
once. By pressing the button again, the user causes the system
to advance to the next configuration screen.
Menu / Digit
Color: none
Menu / Digit
Automatic mode:
- By pressing this button, the user advances through
the messages displayed on the second line of the display. (Var-
ious measured values and any alarm messages that have not
been cleared are indicated.)
- By pressing this button, the position at which the
cursor is presently located is increased by one digit. The in-
crease is restricted by the permissible limits (see list of para-
meters included in
Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht ge-
funden werden.
). If the highest permissible number has been
reached, the number automatically returns to the lowest per-
missible number.
Clear / Cursor
Color: none
Clear / Cursor
Automatic mode:
- Individual alarm messages are deleted by pressing
this button provided the fault is no longer present.
- This button moves the cursor one position to the
right. When the cursor reaches the extreme right position it
may be returned to the extreme left position by pressing the
button again.