User Manual 7.1 (2019-04) 2
Subject to change
Control-related demands for ventilation and air conditioning systems
Prevention of the spread of fire according to MBO
According to § 41 of the “Musterbauordnung” (German model building code), ventilation ducts must only bypass
enclosing components for which there is a stipulated fire resistance, if the spread of fire is not to be feared for a
sufficiently long period, or if measures have been taken to prevent it. According to § 14 of the “Musterbauordnung”
(German model building code) the spread of fire refers to the spread of fire and smoke. A further distinction between
cold, warm or hot smoke is not made in the building code. In reference to § 3 of the “Musterbauordnung” (German
model building code) smoke is defined as any smoke which puts life, health and natural livelihood at risk. Thus, even
smoke with a temperature below the nominal release temperature (72°C) of a fire damper. If there is a risk of the
transfer of smoke below the fire damper release temperature, additional measures must be taken in order to achieve
the required protection objective of § 14 of the “Musterbauordnung” (German model building code). Shutting off the
ventilation fan of an area affected by the fire alone can be regarded as insufficient as the protection objective of inter-
nally sealing off a building in case of fire cannot be achieved with a purely thermally triggered fire damper. In order to
reliably prevent smoke transfer, the shut-off devices of the area affected by the fire must be closed in good time. The
protection objective can be achieved with appropriately classified fire dampers equipped with additional actuators.
Today’s state-of-the-art technology is a fire damper which is motorised for this purpose, allowing it to close in good
time when a fire is detected.
Functional check of the fire dampers according to MVV-TB
The motorisation makes for additional synergy effects in addition to the comprehensive protection which a motorised
fire damper reliably provides in relation to § 41 and § 14 of the “Musterbauordnung” (German model building code)
(if it is closed in good time in case of fire). Thus, a motorised fire damper can be used conveniently to implement the
regular functional check, as required in accordance with the MVV-TB building code, from a central point. The breaks
in operation or operational limitations which usually occur with a manual local functional check, do not apply in this
case, or only apply to a minimal extent. The prerequisite for this is the use of fully maintenance-free fire dampers. The
functional check of the fire dampers is the responsibility of the owner of the ventilation system.
The local inspection by a specialist inspector for special construction, as required every 3 years in accordance with the model
inspection code (MPrüfVO
), is excluded from this provision.
EnEV (German Energy Saving Ordinance)
The European Directive 2010/31/EU on the overall energy efficiency of buildings (EPBD
) includes minimum require-
ments for the overall energy efficiency of building services systems, e.g. systems for ventilation and air conditioning.
These requirements are implemented in EnEV (German Energy Saving Ordinance).
The requirements of EnEV (German Energy Saving Ordinance) include provisions for the installation and replacement
of technical systems for air volume flow rate control in buildings. According to § 15 (3) of EnEV, systems for ventilation
and air conditioning which are engineered for a volume flow rate of supply air of at least 4000 cubic metres, must
be equipped with mechanisms for automatic control of the volumetric flow rates in accordance with the thermal and
material loads, or for setting the volumetric flow rates in accordance with time. This applies if the supply air volume
flow rate of the system per square metre of the supplied net floor area exceeds nine cubic metres per hour for each
square metre of supplied building floor area in residential buildings.
According to DIN V 18599
presence detectors, people counters, gas sensors etc. can be used for requirement-based
control. This makes for lower mean outdoor air volume flow rates during the system operation time. This leads to a
reduction of the energy requirement for treatment and conveying of the air.
This does not apply if increased supply air volume flow rates are required in the supplied rooms for reasons of occupational health
and safety requirements, or if load changes cannot be ascertained either metrologically or with regard to chronological sequence.
“Musterbauordnung” (German model building code) - “MBO” - Most recently amended by the ruling of the conference of construction ministers of 13.05.2016
“Muster-Verwaltungsvorschriften Technische Baubestimmungen” (MVV-TB) (model administration code, technical building rules) 31.08.2017
“Muster-Prüfverordnung” (MPrüfVO) (model inspection code), issue March 2011
Ordinance on energy-saving thermal protection and energy-saving system technology for buildings (“Energieeinsparverordnung – EnEV”) - last amended
Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and Council of 19 May 2010 on the overall energy efficiency of buildings
Calculation of energy efficiency of buildings DIN V 18599-11:2018-09