Section 10: Edge SC Controller Operation
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Figure 60 - Sanitation Loop Conditioning
Set to enable schedule. Set the conditioning cycle duration and interval between cycles and
select Confirm to begin.
Water Heater Sanitation
Domestic hot water should be stored above 140°F (60°C) to prevent pathogen
proliferation. However, system demand, sizing, stacking, and setpoints may prevent that.
Furthermore, the bottom of the tank is susceptible to biofilm growth given the potential for
sediment settling. It is recommended to regularly perform a water heater sanitation cycle at
elevated temperatures for a specific duration in order to be confident of pathogen removal. The
temperature and dwell time in lab environments have been shown to be effective in reducing
microbial populations including Legionella, however in the field there are many different
parameters to account for including the insulating properties of biofilm, thermal loss through the
system, thermal resistance of various bacteria, etc.