WDV Series Gas Fireplace
1. Flexible UL1777 listed venting may be used in any
venting application where rigid direct vent components
can be used. All restrictions, clearances and
allowances that pertain to the rigid piping apply to the
flexible venting. Flex kits may not be modified. Flex kits
may be added to the end of a vent run made of rigid
vent sections using pipe manufacturer's approved flex
to pipe adapters. This may occur only if doing so does
not violate any of the venting length, height, routing,
horizontal to vertical ratio requirements or clearance
considerations detailed in this manual.
2. The flex adapter starter kit (DVFF8A/8) is used to
attach flex venting to the appliance starting collar. It
includes 5" inner and 8" outer adapter rings.
Figure 26
The inner and outer adapter rings are required to
start all flex runs.
Never install damaged or torn flexible venting.
Over tightening clamps may rip, tear, or otherwise
damage flexible venting.
The adapter kit does not include individual pipe
sections which may be purchased separately.
(UL1777 listed type venting only.)
3. Start the flexible vent as follows:
A. Installing the inner flex adapter and pipe.
Figure 26
1. Insert the long side of the 5" inner ring into
exhaust pipe, gently tap to seat into place, and
secure with screws.
2. Slide the small gear clamp over the inner flexible
vent pipe, and push out of the way.
3. Pull and extend the inner flexible vent.
4. Slide the inner vent onto the adapter collar, for a
minimum 1
" overlap.
5. Locate the clamp at approximately 3/4" from the
flex end and tighten.
6. Secure the clamped inner section with three
self-tapping screws, drilled equidistant, just
above the clamp perimeter.
B. Installing the outer flex pipe.
Figure 26
1. Firmly insert the 8" outer adapter ring into the
outer appliance starting collar and secure with
2. Slide the large gear clamp over the outer flexible
vent pipe, and push out of the way.
3. Pull and extend the outer flexible vent.
4. Slide the outer vent onto the appliance collar
outer adapter for a minimum 1
" overlap.
Flex vent pipe spacers: Refer to
manufacturer’s specifications for correct
positioning of the spacer springs to
maintain proper distance between inside
and outside pipe.
appliance connection
Flex Vent
(3 places,
equidistant just
above gear
13/4" Flexible
Pipe and
Inner Adapter
Outer Adapter
Starting Collar
Figure 26 -
Typical Appliance Connection
flex pipe bend
Flex Vent
5° Radius
Figure 27 -
Minimum Radius for Flex
Vent Section
5. Locate the clamp at approximately 3/4" from the
flex end and tighten.
6. Secure the clamped outer section with three
self-tapping screws, drilled equidistant, just
above the clamp perimeter.
C. Routing UL1777 flex pipe.
1. Always maintain the required clearance when
routing the flex vent assembly.
2. Install firestop spacers,
Figure 28
, when
penetrating ceiling, attic spaces, or walls.
3. Do not allow the flexible vent to bend in radius
tighter than 5°.
Figure 27
4. Horizontal runs of flexible vent shall be supported
at maximum 2 foot intervals; vertical runs, five
feet intervals. Metal strapping, properly secured,
is an acceptable means to support the flexible
For models purchased after 4/16/15, please see addendum.