On some larger coaches, with more appliances installed, it requires
more 120 volt AC power to operate. Availability of 50 amp service is
the best method of providing the owner with an increase of incoming
Distribution of power is accomplished in this manner. There will be
2—50 amp main breakers coming into the distribution box to
supply your coach. Secondly on each side is the 20 amp breaker
feeding the air conditioners as required. The remaining 6 to 12
breakers will feed the remaining appliances as marked on attached
label. Quantity of breakers depends on the floor plan, options and
size of coach.
Venture RV. recommends against using any reducer adaptor (50 to
30 or 30 to 15) when 50 amp service is not available. When using
such an adaptor, you have reduced incoming power and CANNOT
power all your appliances. Should you attempt to draw more power
than adaptor can handle, it will overheat, melt and cause a fire
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