Ladder is provided as an option on most coaches to climb onto roof
areas. Ladders are rated to handle up to 200 pounds at a time when
climbing onto roof.
DO NOT store or transport articles on the ladder during travel. If you
choose to do so, warranty will become void on the ladder.
Lower rung is hinged and swings down. To lower, push this section
up about 1/4 inch and swing down. Now insert tubes into brackets
mounted on rear wall of coach.
Loose furniture, such as dinettes and free standing chairs, need to be
secured to prevent movement during travel, causing damage to walls
and chairs.
These individual tassel cords reduce the strangulation hazard in the pull
cord by removing the loop.
Do not tie cords together. Check periodically to make sure the cords have
not twisted into a loop
This device will not prevent strangulation hazard if young children wrap
pull cords around their necks. Always keep cords out of the reach of
young children.
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