2) Overriding The Door Lock Controlled by Output 1 (Keep Door Un-locked)
The Output 1 is usually for door lock control. In some circumstances, the door lock may be
required to be un-locked for a period for people to enter-exit the premises conveniently without
user code. The func�on Starts / Stops in toggle with the following code entry.
------- The Door is Un-locked, Start-Stop in Toggle
The “Output 1” LED (Green) turns ON while the door is un-locked.
DO NOT forget to stop this func�on a�er its use is no longer required.
This feature is recommended for Fail-safe locks only.
Fail-secure lock is NOT recommended, which may be damaged by staying ac�vated for too long
due to high power consump�on.
is in opera�on to hold the door lock open, the func�ons that rely
on the door sensor (such as a magne�c contact) and the User Codes for output 1 are all temporarily
suspended un�l SUPER USER CODE
is entered again to release the door holding func�on.
The following func�ons are Temporary Suspended:
Door Auto-relock
Door Forced Open Warning (at Loca�on 80)
Door Propped-up Warning (at Loca�on 9)
Dual Keypad Inter-lock Opera�on
All User Codes Including Super User Code for Output 1
Duress Output Actuated by Duress Code for Output 1
Inhibi�ng The User Codes for Output 1 (Manually Disable All User Codes for Door Lock Actua�on)
To enhance security a�er office hour or while nobody inside house, owner can manually stop the
opera�on of Output 1 to prevent users from accessing the protected premise with user codes. The
func�on is Start-Stop in toggle with the following code entry.
------- Door Lock Opera�on Disabled, Start-Stop in Toggle
Inhibi�ng applies to all the user code for Output 1 only.
For safety reasons, the egress bu�on and the super user code con�nue to operate the output 1
even output 1 is inhibited.
A red LED is ON while output 1 is inhibited.
The inhibi�on does not apply to output 2.