User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________
44 __________________________________________________________________ M210482EN-B
set message profile noise_h2 off
Range gates data is range normalized, if backscatter
set message units feet
Reported heights unit is feet.
set message units meters
Reported heights unit is meters.
set message vv_limit ceiling 0 ... 7620 Sets vertical visibility ceiling limit (meters/feet). No
vertical visibility will be reported above this limit.
(Default: 2000 m).
set message vv_limit
sky_cond_percent 1 ... 100
Sets vertical visibility reporting limit (%).
set message units vv_limit ceiling
Sets vertical visibility ceiling limit (meters/feet).
set option humitter on
Enables the humitter option.
set option humitter off
Disables the humitter option.
set option sky_cond off
Disables the sky condition option.
set option sky_cond on 0 .. 99999
Enables the sky condition option with an activation
Data Messages
To ease the use of Ceilometer CL31 and to ease the transfer from old
ceilometer versions to the new one, CL31 includes data messages used
in CT12K, CT25K, CT25KAM, and LD40. CL31 provides the
following data messages:
- CL31 Data messages 1 and 2
- CL31 Status message
- CT12K data messages No. 2 and No. 3
- CT25K data messages No. 1 and No. 6
- CT25KAM data messages No. 60 and No. 61
- LD40 Standard Telegram
Each port can be set to transmit a specified message automatically.
Alternatively, the port can be set to transmit the set message only
when polled by a predetermined polling string of characters, or the
polling string can contain the message identification.
The messages may provide a different resolution and require a
different measurement mode. A change of a message always switches
into a correct measurement mode automatically.
However, CL31 Status message and CL31 Data messages 1 and 2 of
subclass 5 (without profile data) may be used in both 10 m and 5 m
resolutions. A selection of these messages always activates the 10 m