Chapter 4 ________________________________________________________________ Operation
VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 45
resolution (standard mode). If needed, users can change into the 5 m
resolution (high resolution) by typing the following advanced level
set data_acq meas_mode high_res
. Thus, the above
messages will work in 5 m resolution.
All characters are 7-bit USASCII.
symbolizes Carriage Line Feed (2 characters) throughout
this document.
Start-of-Header, Start-of-Text, End-of-Text, End-of-Transmission,
Carriage Return, and Line Feed are non-printing characters in most
practical terminal use.
CL31 Data Messages No. 1 and 2
Data message No. 1 contains cloud height/vertical visibility
measurement and elementary status information that enables a host
system or operator to see that no warnings or alarms are present. This
message also includes a range and sensitivity normalized backscatter
profile, which makes it suitable, for example, for a graphical data
presentation or research purposes.
The data resolution is 5 m/10 m/20 m (16 ft/33 ft/66 ft) with distance,
and 20 bits (five hex-ASCII characters) with signal magnitude.
An example of CL31 data message No.1 is presented below:
1st line
12 char.
30 01230 12340 23450 FEDCBA987654
2nd line
35 char.
00100 10 0770 098 +34 099 12 0621 L0112HN15 139
3rd line
49 char.
00000111112222233333 ... (5 x 770 bytes)
4th line
3852 char.
5th line
8 char.
3956 char.
An example of CL31 data message No. 2 is presented below:
1st line
12 char.
30 01230 12340 23450 FEDCBA987654
2nd line
35 char.
3 055 5 170 0 /// 0 /// 0 ///
3rd line
37 char.
00100 10 0770 098 +34 099 12 0621 L0112HN15 139
4th line
49 char.
00000111112222233333 ... (5 x 770 bytes)
5th line
3852 char.
6th line
8 char.
3993 char.