Chapter 4 ________________________________________________________________ Operation
VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 59
Data values are presented for each 50 ft range gate. The height of the
first value in the line in thousands of feet. Two digits, a leading zero is
replaced by a space. Twenty 50 ft values per line starting with 0 (ft),
next line 1000 (ft). 13 lines altogether. Last line (12000 ft) has 10
CT12K Digital Message No. 3
This message contains Status Line 1 identical to Message No. 2 (see
section CT12K Digital Message No. 2 on page 55) and one single
range gate data line indicating the presence or absence of backscatter
in each range gate.
An example of digital message No.3 is presented below:
10 04200 00150 ///// ///// 0000011010
ON/OFF data is l/O accordingly. Other data is decimal or hexadecimal
numbers. The total length of the message is 112 characters. The
printout is 2 lines, the maximum width is 66 characters, of which 64
are visible. The time for message transmission at 300 baud is 3.73 s.
Message Interpretation:
Start-of-Heading character
Carriage Line Feed
The first line of the message is status line 1. Status line 1 of digital
message No.3 is identical to that of message No. 2 (see the message
interpretation in section CT12K Digital Message No. 2 on page 55).