Urma AG, Switzerland www.urma.ch
page 47
8.3.2 Detailed description of measuring procedures
12 detailed measuring procedures have been developed from the main measuring
procedures. Digiset 5 uses these to analyse contours.
The number of different measuring possibilities is, of course, significantly higher be-
cause the measuring procedure can be carried out in each individual quadrant.
You access this operating mode using the following menu steps:
Main menu
Sub-menu 1
Sub-menu 2
Measure method
M0: Automatic
M1: L1
M2: L2
M3: PX
M4: PZ
M5: L1-PX
M6: L2-PX
M7: L1-PZ
M8: L2-PZ
M9: L1-L2
M10: L1-L2-PX
M11: L1-L2-PZ
M12: PX-PZ
Brief explanation
M0: Automatic
The procedure used is determined by the TCAM2
M1: L1
Line 1 measurement
M2: L2
Line 2 measurement
M3: PX
Point X measurement
M4: PZ
Point Z measurement
M5: L1-PX
Line 1 and point X measurement
M6: L2-PX
Line 2 and point X measurement
M7: L1-PZ
Line 1 and point Z measurement
M8: L2-PZ
Line 2 and point Z measurement
M9: L1-L2
Line 1 and line 2 measurement
M10: L1-L2-PX
Line 1 and line 2 and point X measurement
M11: L1-L2-PZ
Line 1 and line 2 and point Z measurement
M12: PX-PZ
Point X and point Z measurement
When fixing the line and angle markings light/dark borders are
seen going counter-clockwise from the positive X axis. Line 1 is
shown as the light to dark border within the analysis window. Line
2 is set as the dark to light border.
If Digiset 5 cannot use any of the measuring procedures for the
contour detected, the test LED in the upper left corner of the
screen will be
The measuring results are then incorrect! .