Urma AG, Switzerland www.urma.ch
page 32
6.7 Options
This operating mode gives you the option of setting specific system settings so that
they are automatically selected even after the system is restarted.
You access this operating mode using the following menu steps:
Main menu
Sub-menu 1
Selecting/ deselecting the display of one or more angle val-
ues in the TCAM2 live picture.
Selecting/ deselecting the display of a circle and the corre-
sponding radius value in the TCAM2 live picture.
If this is selected any available radius on an object contour is
shown as a circle in the object image.
Selecting a standard measuring method. This is activated
when starting the TCAM2.
Selecting one of the loaded language modules.
6.8 Password
Important system settings can be protected from unauthorised access by allocating a
You access this operating mode using the following menu steps:
Main menu
Sub-menu 1
A password can be allocated or changed. You must enter the password a second
time to confirm the first entry.
The following options are available for entering a password:
none It is not necessary to enter a password when selecting a protected
operating mode (factory setting).
once It is necessary to enter the password when selecting a protected op-
erating mode for the first time. It is not necessary to enter the pass-
word again if you select the protected operating modes again be-
cause the password is stored until the unit is switched off.
always It is necessary to enter the password every time you select a pro-
tected operating mode.
The password can be entered alphanumerically. You can enter up
to 6 characters.