User’s Manual MSO/UPO2000 Seri es
82 / 137
directory of the USB.
Turn on the oscilloscope and insert UBS into the oscilloscope. Press Utility- Upgrade to check the
update file.
Select the update file and confirm to upgrade.
After the upgrade is finished, reboot the oscilloscope to complete the update.
Please ensure that the power is not turned off during the entire upgrade process, it is to avoid
failure to reboot due to incomplete system upgrade content.
13.5 Bode Diagram
Bode diagram function is for the frequency respond curve of the device under test DUT, as shown in
Figure 13-3.In scanning. During the scan, the oscilloscope configures the function/arbitrary waveform
generator output signal and connects to the DUT, then compares the DUT input signal with the DUT
output signal.
Each frequency will measuring gain (G) and phase (p) and drawing in the frequency respond bode diagram.
When the loop respond analysis is completed, user can move cursor on the diagram for checking the gain
and phase value of each frequency. User can also adjust the figure scale and displacement setting for
amplitude and phase graphs.
Figure 13-3
Gain scale is display based on the setting gain scale and gain displacement.
Phase Margin (PM) value is the difference value between the phase measurement corresponding
to the frequency point with a gain of 0dB and 0°.
Gain Margin (GM) value is the difference value between the gain measurement at 0dB and the